Lou Reed Live in Copenhagen 12-05-03 By Thomcats

I had a date in Copenhagen on the 12th of May this year. It was a first date and you know how they are. One is a little nervous. Will we hit it off? Will I like him? I needn't have worried.

Perfect venue, Falkonersalen in Copenhagen, holding roughly 4000 seated. Sold out of course. Expectation in the air. The moment the first note reverberated in the air, magic happened. I've never experienced something quite like it. The whole room vibrated. The floor under my feet shook and the movement transported itself within my body until I could feel the beat all over within me. First of all it was the music and I heard nothing else, I didn't start paying attention to the lyrics until he came to "Tell It To My Heart". That's what he did at that moment. Talk to my heart. In so many words. I looked at his figure clad in enternal black and his face white in
the limelight, furrowed, marked. I wondered what the furrows were telling about. For a newbie like me most of the music is new. I cannot break into recognising happy applauses when the first notes of a wellknown and much wanted song are played. I have just to tag along and I abandon myself to the experience. The band is tight and observant behind him and are allowed star performances here and there. Jane Scarpantonio renders a chillingly,< freezingly, dark and intense cello solo in "Venus In Furs" and we are amazed over the extraordinary quality of Anthony's voice in "Candy Says". At the end of the show, music is played that is familiar also to me. "Perfect Day" and "Walk On The Wild Side" pleases the audience no end. During "Perfect Day" there is a performance by a Chinese monk. He dances in slow measured motions the way they do it in the parks in China, especially in the foggy mornings. I wondered if that kind of mental and physical training is
performed in the Park in NY too. It would be fitting anyway. The audience won't let go of them. They shout and stamp the floor and rush to the front beneath the stage. Two hours long. For all I cared he could have carried on for another two hours. I wonder if we will have another date?
